What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization

SEO means “search engine optimization.” It is a process to optimize your website to boost its visibility when users search for the same product or services you are offering in the search engine. For example, better visibility in Google, Bing, or Yahoo will direct more attention. As a result, your website will get high potential clients and engage the existing ones to your brand or service.

Main Elements of Search Engine Optimization

There are two main elements of SEO;

1- On-Page SEO

on page SEO - Search Engine Optimization

On-page search engine optimization covers the aspects of content creation to optimize your ranking. It includes adding keywords to your pages and content. You have to write high-quality content, add keywords to your meta tags and title, etc. Here you will add images relevant to your content, internal/external links, H2/H3/H4, and many more.  

2- Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO - Search Engine Optimization

It is the process to optimize the off of your website like backlinking. It will cover building relationships and creating content that people want to share. Although it takes a lot of preparation, it is the core element of SEO success.

Working Process of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

There are bots in search engines to crawl pages on the web, move from site to site, gather information about these pages, and index them. So we can say that index is a massive library where a librarian could extract a book to support you to find exactly what you are searching for right now.

The algorithm then studies the pages in the index while considering hundreds of ranking factors or signals. This way will determine the sort of pages that should display in the search results for an entered question. It is the same as a librarian exactly knowing which book can precisely answer your questions; because he had studied all books there.

This way, search bots guess that a website or web page can answer an inquiry. However, in contrast to paid search advertising, you can’t pay search engines for high ranking. It means that you have to get the services of SEO experts.

So, you should keep in mind all these factors while optimizing your site and content. Then, it will rank your page effectively in the search engines.

Importance of SEO for Your Business

SEO is a key part of digital marketing. People do trillions of searches each year, frequently for business-oriented information about services. Search is the basic root of digital traffic for businesses and matches other marketing platforms. Higher visibility than your competitors and higher ranking in search results will have significant effects on your business.

Still, search results have been growing over the past few years to provide researchers with more accurate answers and information that are more likely to stay on the results page instead of other websites. Moreover, rich results and knowledge panel features in search results can grow the visibility of your business. Besides this, it will also give users more information about your brand’s indirect impacts.

Overall, SEO is the basics of a comprehensive marketing system. Once you understand what your website users need, you can apply that knowledge to your campaigns, your website, social media platforms, etc.

How to Do SEO – A Mini Guide

How to do SEO

Now let’s look forward to learning how to do SEO marketing. SEO does not comprise one or two elements; either it covers many things and time. It is not an action that you will perform today and will see results tomorrow. It is a process that needs actions daily for long-term success. Here is how it is finalized;

1- Content


This is the first and foremost step that is also the king of SEO. It is essential as it lets users be happy at finding the exact things they were looking for. For example, when someone searches for “best chairs,” google will pull out all the results of best chairs for the office or your home. It means that Google makes your research easy for exact queries. So, it clarifies that you should write the best content for good SEO. SEO also works on the idea; great reward comes after great efforts.

  • Great content fundamentals

Best content follows the given elements;

  • Quality: A keyword cluster content is not the best strategy. Rather than focusing on writing to solve the problems of your audience or users, such types of content will also rank easily. Today each business has blogs and articles to demonstrate and represent its brand or service. You can also get ideas from their content and add more value and make it more precise. Just try to focus on speaking exactly what your users want to see. If you are not focusing on this, they will instantly leave your website and knock someone else. This will inform search engines that you are not up to their mark.
  • Intent: Google gives much importance to intent. So, while creating your content, you should know; are your audience looking to learn about something or want to purchase something?
  • Freshness: You should write and publish fresh content. It should be updated with time according to the growing or changing demand of your users.

2- Keyword Research

Keyword Research

You should catch those keywords that will represent your brand or call users to your blog or website. Keyword research is not a one-and-done thing. While selecting them, you should keep in mind that you want to rank your website and provide relevant content. During your keyword selection, focus on these;

  • Exact keyword: Focus on what is your targeted audience and what your brand is. Your keyword should match both of these.
  • Competition analysis: As keyword relevancy matters, the same is the case with the competition analysis. Your keyword should be of low competition and high searches. While targeting them, use the best and accurate tools, understand semantics, and focus on user intent.



Here comes your best performance for proper tags, headers, and descriptions. HTML comprises the following elements;

  • Title Tag: You should prepare it wisely, as it is the first thing your page will show in Google. It must contain the main keyword.
  • Meta description: Meta description is about informing the users what your content is about. It should also include your main keyword as well as the main description of your content. It should be less than 160 characters.
  • Schema: It is the subset of particular HTML tags to support SERPs to show your content.
  • Subheadings: It is H1 (title of your article) and will be shown at the top of your article. It will be of few words but will summarize the users’ thoughts about your article within a single glance. It is the title that can attract or distract the audience when they are surfing. You should also enrich it with your main keyword.
  • ALT TEXT: It is the description of your images that will represent your image and the content.
  • URL Slug: It is the link of your website as well as your article. Its perfection will depend on the best use of the best tool, attractive and well-researched title and tags, proper use of keywords, and proper headings, etc.
  • Website structure: Your website should have a user-friendly interface. It should be easy to crawl, have unique content, and be mobile-friendly. The website must have a good speed response and be easy to load.

4- Links


Link building is the essential factor of SEO ranking. You should have quality links and the best anchor text. The quality backlinking should not be skipped at any stage. You should not take screenshots and focus on building them naturally. It is also recommended to remove risky links.

5- Keyword density

Your content should have proper keywords placement. It should not be a keyword cluster; however, it must have enough keyword density. You can consider this easily; each 200-word content should have 1-2 times the main keyword repetition. In addition, other LSI keywords must appear at least one time in the whole content.

6- Relevant and Free images

This is also an essential factor of on-page SEO. You should include relevant and free images in your content. It will help users to visual appeal as well as understand your thoughts clearly. Don’t copy them from google because copyright images may affect your ranking. Instead, you should include one image as a thumbnail which will visually represent your entire content.

7- Personal

It is categorized in off-page SEO. Your demographics andlocation directly affect the process user’s response to your content.


Conclusively, remember that there is no shortcut in search engine optimization (SEO). It is time taking, and you need to perform all tasks individually with full concentration. It will take a minimum of 6 months to see expected results if all things are done properly. You have to update all your strategies with time, make your content refresh, and show search engines that you are active and serious about your ranking.

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